Links - 8051/DS390
The 8051 Web Ring
Programmers Heaven - 8051 resources, sample code and compilers
8052.COM - resources, sample code.
Turbo51 - Pascal compiler for 8051 microcontrollers - If C is not your preferred language
Paul Stoffregen's Home Page - Home of PAULMON and other code snippets.
Systronix - Makers of the STEP and STEP+ for the DallasTINI board (a must see for embedded ethernet and Dallas 390's) -DS89C450 system over USB port in a standard DIL40 package
Links - STM8
stm8flash - program your stm8 devices with SWIM/stlinkv(1,2)
STM8 Tutorials - Tutorials for STM8 development using free software
WWW.EMCU.IT - resources
Links - Z80/Z180/Rabbit/SM83/TLCS-90
ColecoVision - Tutorials and tools for ColecoVision development using SDCC
Rabbit Semiconductor - Z-World based boards, very small and lots of I/O. Kits available.
AR1688 - Z80 based VoIP processor and module using SDCC compiler
Links - PIC
GPUTILS - GNU PIC Utilities - assembler and linker SDCC needs for pic14 / pic16
gpsim - gpsim is a full-featured software simulator for Microchip PIC microcontrollers distributed under the GNU General Public License
Links - General
- Micros and Embedded stuff. Not to be confused with (Arrow Electronics... what a joke!)
- wszystko o mikrokontrolerach jednoukładowych 8051 AVR PIC
Digital Core Design -
private Intellectual Property (IP) Core provider and System-on-Chip
(SoC) design house
MicroController Pros
Corporation (µCPros) - Development Tools for All
Major Microcontroller Architectures
Links - Compilers, Assemblers, Linkers
ASxxxx Cross Assemblers - assemblers and linkers from which SDCC derived
asx8051, as-hc08, as-z80, aslink, link-hc80, link-z80
Links - Code Sources
- a portable, open source, mini Real Time Kernel
Links - IDEs
MicroIDE - free IDE software to manage SDCC projects
Links - Circuit Boards and EDA software
gEDAGPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools
Kicad - Free Open Source PCB Schematic Capture and Board Design
Links - IC Data and Searches
- This is just the most fabulous web site I have been to in a long
time. Need info? Go here!
Links - Embedded Ethernet
Werner Cornelius
has a web page
devoted to embedding the RealTek RTL8019AS ethernet controller chip
into a microcontroller. Lots of small tips on wiring, what to do, and
what not to do.
Links - LCD Stuff
T6963 controlled LCD panels (includes
the Optrex DM-5000 series and others)
A couple of pictures of an lcd panel with a familiar phrase.
LCD picture 1 - full view
Feb 15,2000 10:54:02 PM (133K jpg)
LCD picture 2 - close up
Feb 15,2000 10:57:06 PM (139K jpg)
written by Dave Helton,
(compile with sdcc) (39K tar.gz format)
There are no docs for the source...
yet ;-) This is alpha-ware at best. It works in my system. Through the
winter of 2000-01 I will be updating the code and writing some docs.
This may force me to write better code if I have to document it. Your
feedbeed back on the code is welcome. If you have enhanced the code,
made a better mouse trap... please email me and let me know.
Links - simulators
- the old ucsim page
If you have a link to an embedded
application, either hardware or software, that you believe would be of
interest to other readers, drop either myself or the list members a
us your link!
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